From Flickr Creative Commons
Here is a modified image that I found on Flickr. I don't have any photo editing software, so I don't normally modify images. I have always been a fan of photography, and for some reason modifying the original seems like cheating to me. I definitely don't think that journalists should modify images.
When i started to be a photoreporter we used toke pics and print it all size. Never cutted the pics it waas considered invasive. Now with a simple editing photo editing software within the complicate operation of the dark room you can create an image, an information, that never happen, only in your mind. In Italy an exemple there were not many pictures from the revolt in Iran. So the newspaper "Corriere della Sera", serious and authoritative have published a picture found on "Twitter" in front page as the symbol-pic of the Iranian revolt (look at my post on June 28 2009).This is really dangerous cause the international intelligences , until now did it. Information is another way of tell. Macondo